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Eye-Movement Desesitization & Reprocessing

A powerful approach to overcoming trauma and restoring balance.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful therapy that helps you process the things you’ve been carrying, whether it’s a big trauma or multiple smaller but still impactful experiences. It works by using your brain's natural ability to heal, helping you shift how those memories show up in your life today.

Outdoors in Autumn

What is trauma?

Trauma isn’t always what we see in movies. It’s not just about big, life-altering events.


  • Trauma can show up in many ways—like that inner critic that keeps telling you you're not enough, or that feeling of panic that won’t go away.​

  • Trauma can show up as perfectionism, believing that if you'd get everything perfect you won't be loved or valued.​

  • Trauma can show up as being alert, worrying about little details, or reliving interactions with others over and over again.​

  • Trauma can show up as self-doubt, having a hard time making decisions, or not trusting your gut.​

  • Trauma can show up as giving your all to others around you, but avoiding the self-care you deserve.

  • Trauma can show up as that guilty feeling in the pit of your stomach when you want to say "no" but end up saying "yes" because you want to keep the peace or avoid conflict. 

Are you ready to release those old wounds?

Do you feel like you've talked about these problems but still don't feel relief? 


Do you feel like there's a root to these problems, but you just don't know how to get unstuck?


Are you tired of beating yourself up for "not getting over" these problems more easily?


Are you tired of comparing yourself to everyone else, convinced that there must be something wrong with you?

Hands on chest
Left right human brain concept. Creative part and logical part with social and business pa

There's nothing wrong with you.

Trauma memories are processed differently than other types of memories. 


This is because when your brain takes in something that is too overwhelming to process, your brain goes into survival mode.


Your brain mistakenly keeps these memories stuck in short-term memory storage, letting the memory stay available should you need the information in the future.


Your brain also stores all the body sensations, beliefs about yourself or the world around you, and any other sensory information (like sights, sounds, smells) "just in case" you need it in the future. â€‹


Even thought your brain is trying to protect you, this process is keeping you stuck and no longer serves you, especially after the original threat is gone.

EMDR Processes Memories that are "Stuck"

If you're ready to untangle the emotional wounds and start living life with more peace and less anxiety, EMDR might be the tool you’ve been looking for.

EMDR isn’t about talking in circles or re-living the worst moments.​


It’s about breaking the cycle of emotional pain, so you can start living without the weight of the past holding you down.


Here's what you might experience:


  • Release old emotional patterns that keep you stuck in anxiety, perfectionism, or feeling like you're never enough.

  • Gain clarity about who you truly are—without the layers of trauma shaping your self-worth.

  • Feel more connected to the present and less weighed down by past experiences.

  • Free up your mind and body from the constant stress and tension caused by unresolved emotions.

Exploring Nature

Our EMDR Models

Have you been meeting with your long-term therapist and feel like you've talked about these issues, but still feel stuck in certain areas?


Perhaps you want to release a particular trauma, or break certain patterns that have shown up in your relationships.


Hour-long EMDR sessions that are specifically designed to target areas of concern in a shorter period of time.


Adjunct EMDR can be a part of your overall wellness journey. 


Have you already done some deep work to resolve your concerns, but you are looking dive deeper for lasting changes?


Perhaps you already know the root of some of your concerns but don't know what to do next.


Perhaps you have a busy schedule and don't have time for weekly 1-hour sessions that go on for months or years and want relief now.


EMDR Intensives can accelerate your wellness journey, helping you safely reach your goals at a faster rate.​

About Us

Skyline Mental Health is here to offer supportive trauma and EMDR therapy in Charlottesville, VA and anywhere in Virginia virtually. Our goal is to help you navigate your past experiences and discover the inner strength you may not realize you possess. Let’s take this journey together!

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